How Does Invisalign Cleaning Crystals Work?

September 12, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — chaskateam @ 2:09 am
Invisalign aligners

When receiving your Invisalign aligners to straighten your teeth, you are suddenly bombarded with a list of things you should do and those you should avoid. One of the most important guidelines you are to follow, though, is how to keep your aligners clean. After all, you need them to keep your teeth moving in the right direction, but you also want them to remain virtually invisible to others. What you may not realize is that there is a specific solution that is used to keep trays free of bacteria and harmful debris. Keep reading to learn how Invisalign Cleaning Crystals work and why they’re an important part of your treatment plan.


How Much Tooth Enamel Will I Lose with Veneers?

August 17, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — chaskateam @ 3:59 pm
dental veneer

It’s time to meet with your cosmetic dentist to discuss your cosmetic dentistry options. You want to hide your imperfections with the most natural and long-lasting solution available, so naturally, veneers seem like the right choice. But how much tooth enamel will need to be removed to ensure successful results? A dentist in Chaska is here to explain the process and why you don’t need to worry about losing too much of your existing tooth structure.


Why Are Temporary Veneers Necessary?

July 17, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — chaskateam @ 9:37 pm
temporary veneers

Your decision to enhance your smile with veneers is one you will not regret. Not only will you enjoy the transformation that you can expect to walk away with, but you’ll exude greater confidence that will likely benefit you personally and professionally. But before your finalized restorations are put into place, you learn that you’ll need to wear temporaries immediately following your first appointment. Why are temporary veneers necessary? A cosmetic dentist is here to explain.


How Strong Are Dental Implants?

June 6, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — chaskateam @ 9:35 pm
dental implants

When learning you need to replace your missing teeth, you immediately decide that you want a solution that is durable and can withstand normal, daily wear and tear. The idea of replacing dentures or dental bridges sounds unappealing, so you turn to dental implants as your preferred method of treatment. But are dental implants stronger than natural teeth? To find out what kind of quality and reliability you can expect with these prosthetics, a team of dental experts is here to explain.


Will I Get Cavities with Dental Implants?

May 24, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — chaskateam @ 8:56 pm
a dental implant

Adopting good oral hygiene habits at home is important no matter if you have a full set of natural teeth or artificial ones. Dental health issues of all kinds can form over time, causing pain, inflammation, and problems throughout the mouth and body. For patients with permanent dental prosthetics, one of the biggest questions remains, “Can dental implants get cavities?” To answer this question, a team of dentists explains why although these teeth can’t decay, practicing good dental habits is essential.  


How Should I Take Care of My Dental Implants?

April 20, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — chaskateam @ 9:05 pm
woman with dental implants

Now that your dental implants are firmly in place, it’s important that you take the proper steps to care for your new smile. While it is true that these prosthetics can last 30+ years, they will not successfully remain in place if you do not commit to good oral hygiene and regular dental checkups and cleanings. But there is more to caring for dental implants. To learn what you can do to safeguard your smile for decades to come, read on.


3 Ways to Make Speaking with Dentures Easier

March 16, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — chaskateam @ 9:07 pm
older man with dentures

Speaking with artificial teeth can be a daunting realization for anyone who is preparing for dental implants, dental bridges, or dentures. The latter can cause some nervousness, especially if you are having all of your teeth replaced. Fortunately, there are some helpful tips you can follow that will make the adjustment phase easier. Read on to learn three ways to speak with dentures so that you feel more confident.


Is It True That Cosmetic Dentistry Causes Pain? 

February 24, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — chaskateam @ 2:28 am
woman after cosmetic dentistry

You’re tired of looking in the mirror to see stains, chips, cracks, and gapped teeth. You want to do something about your appearance, but you’re afraid the treatment you choose will result in significant pain. It’s natural to wonder what you can expect when preparing to undergo any type of dental care, but does cosmetic dentistry hurt? Before throwing in the towel on your dream smile, a dentist is here to explain why you have nothing to worry about.


Why is Early Detection Important When It Comes to Oral Health?

January 12, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — chaskateam @ 8:42 pm
patient visiting the dentist’s office

Do you maintain good oral hygiene habits at home? Are you diligent about visiting the dentist’s office every six months? If so, that is great! Seeing a professional on a regular basis is one of the best ways to minimize your risk for more serious oral health problems. In this article, a local dentist will discuss the importance of early detection when it comes to your teeth and gums as well as why maintaining a proactive approach is always best to ensure a longer-lasting smile.


4 Tips to Ensure a Smoother Dental Checkup

December 21, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — chaskateam @ 10:33 pm
woman during dental checkup

Are you nervous about your next dental checkup? Maybe you’re indifferent. Or maybe you’d rather cancel than face any potential judgment. Everyone views the dentist’s office differently, and while some may have no issues sitting in the dentist’s chair, others may feel the complete opposite. Fortunately, dentists understand the worry some patients experience, which is why local dental experts are here to share four tips to make your next appointment smoother for both you and your dentist.

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